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Motorcycle around Maldives

For the past few days I have been riding around Maldives on the back of a motorcycle shooting people who I pass by. I get really excited when I see complimentary colors of clothing and walls or back drops. Which surprisingly happens quite often. 

Thanks to Red Bull Maldives, Jason Paul and I came out here for a week to create some vlogs and content and meet with the local freerunners. 

Due to the relaxed nature of everyone I feel myself getting braver shooting random people I do not know. Although some people may be a bit confused I have yet to come across anyone who didn't want to be photographed. Instead, I have had people request that I take their photo! 

The colors, textures, patterns and clothing have kept me entertained. Shooting from a moving motorcycle I only get a few seconds to frame and get a shot. Angles are limited, but its amazing when it lines up.  Sometimes its just about being ready at the right place and the right time. 

I shot this young man on a boat traveling back to the main island. The sun was just going down and the light was incredible. I asked him to look up and out the window, he quietly obliged. This is very rare for me to approach strangers but I hope to do it more often. 

Even though it is common to see children and helmet less riders in Thailand it is never seen in California where I grew up. Although the site is slowly becoming normalized it catches my eye every time. We noticed small children with belts (that looked like suitcase belts) around them and their parents to keep them secure. 

This man got my attention and asked me to take a photo of him. I was happy to. He got out his calculator and typed 86 to let me know how old he was and very proud. I told him he was looking good! He was selling fruit at the market and full of energy. He kindly picked out a small banana for me to eat. 

When we climbed one of the buildings I noted a lot of solar panels. Afterward I found this sign that said it was a gift from Japan for clean energy and a token of friendship. 

Taking from Wikipedia: According to former Maldivian president Mohamed Nasheed, the Maldives are ranked the third most endangered nation due to flooding from climate change.[65] In March and April 2012, Nasheed stated, "If carbon emissions were to stop today, the planet would not see a difference for 60 to 70 years." "If carbon emissions continue at the rate they are climbing today, my country will be under water in seven years."

My first lens was a canon 16-35mm which is great for shooting action and freerunning because its wide and lets me be closer to the action. My second lens was a canon 70-200mm which is great for portraits and taking shots that I can not be up close to. My third lens was a 50mm, being a fixed lens with a lower fstop it allows me to shoot in lower light. I tried all three of these lenses while riding around the island. Like the three little bear, the wide was too wide, the long lens was too close and too heavy but the 50mm was just right. 

Thank you Red Bull for bringing us out and for MVPK for hanging out with us!