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Lion City Gathering: Singapore Parkour & Freerunning Jam

I just returned from a parkour and freerunning jam in Singapore which is a short two hour flight over from Bangkok. The Lion City Gathering had over 200 parkour athletes and freerunners from Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, Denmark, England, France, the Philippines, of course Singapore and believe it or not I wasn't the only American there. Singapore is a beautiful and clean city with some amazing spots for freerunning. The concept of parkour jams and roof culture is a little more challenging for them to grasp. I lost count of how many athletes were arrested for climbing roof tops. Luckily, I wasn't one of them. Traveling with Team Farang, we were able to spend four nights at Wellington Wu's Gym from Kraken. Even though every night was like a giant slumber party with my little brothers entire school, I am eternally grateful. I typically went to bed around 4am each night once the tutorials, wall flip sessions, wrestling, and body slamming died down. Then I was typically woken up around 6am for various reasons; Muslim prayers, Team Alpha Movement returning from jail, Jordan Hile returning from the hospital (with bruised but not broken ribs) And then there was the wild animals that surrounded us in Jason Paul's dream that we had to get up and move away from. 

There were photos, videos, selfies, autographs, hugs, love, a few stitches and bruises, free tee shirts being passed out by the bundles and even tears when it was time to say good bye. The hardest part of having friends all over the world is you never know when you'll see them next. After a successful event like this I am sure Lion City will be gathering next year.